Notisia Detallu

  • 7/08/2024

Dili: 26 Jullu 2024____ Her Excellency Secretary Estadu ba Equality, Mrs. Elvina Sousa Carvalho hamutuk ekapika SEI, ohin participate iha Marsa Diversity ne’ebé kuñesidu Globally ho naran PRIDE March ne’ebé organize husi LGBTIQ+ Community.

Sua Excellency SEI participates in this eventu ne'e nu'udar parte ida hodi fó respeitu ba sidadaun hotu nia direitu hanesan ema umanu nomós promote equality iha Timor-Leste tanba marsa referee hodi marka compromiseu ida ba rekuñesimentu direitu ema hotu nian iha sosiedade.

His speech His Excellency hateten katak sidadaun hotu-hotu he direitu hanesan, he oportunity hanesan he kualker service no label halo discriminasaun hasoru sidadaun seluk hodi haree ba physiku no kores.

Tan ne'e S.E. Secretary Estadu bolu atensaun ba sosiedade tomak atu nafatin hodi tane as no valoriza sidadaun ida-idak nia direitu no labele halo discriminasaun hasoru sidadaun seluk.

Marsa Diversity ida-ne’e ho theme "Solidarity," ho objectivu help promotes societies ida ne'ebé inclusive in respect for the LGBTIQ+ community, hanesan sidadaun Timor oan ne'ebé hetan treatu hanesan no free atu moris iha rai ida-ne'e. Eventu ne'e marka mós present husi His Excellency President RDTL, Dr. José Ramos Horta, Provider of Human Rights in Justice, Mrs. Virgilio da Silva Guterres 'Lamukan', Korpus Diplomátiku nomós Community LGBTIQ+.

Eventu Marsa ne'e la'o-ain husi Ministry of Youth, Art in Culture no nia remata iha Palace President, Aitarak-Laran Dili.

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